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Academic Honesty Policy

Student Conduct

It is the intention of the Board of Education that the district's schools help students achieve maximum development of individual knowledge, skills and competence and that they learn behavior patterns which will enable them to be responsible, contributing members of society. 

The Board, in accordance with applicable law, has adopted a written student conduct and discipline code based upon the principle that every student is expected to follow accepted rules of conduct and to show respect for and to obey persons in authority. The code emphasizes that certain behavior, especially behavior that disrupts the classroom, is unacceptable and may result in disciplinary action. The code shall be enforced uniformly, fairly and consistently for all students. 

All Board-adopted policies and Board-approved regulations containing the letters “JIC” in the file name constitute the conduct section of the legally required code. 

Students are expected to be familiar and comply with all expectations identified Board policies and regulations containing the letters “JIC” in the file name constitute the conduct section of the legally required code. These policies provide information regarding district procedures for suspension (short and long term), expulsion and denial of admission. Student conduct policies are available to all parents and students on the District’s website or by request through the administrative office at each school.

For more information, please refer to Board policies JIC and all JIC subcodes pertaining to student conduct, GBGB, and JK.

Code of Conduct

Please refer to Board policy JICDA for more information. In accordance with applicable law and Board policy concerning student suspensions, expulsions and other disciplinary interventions, the principal or designee may suspend or recommend expulsion of a student who engages in one or more of the following activities while in school buildings, on district property, when being transported in vehicles dispatched by the district or one of its schools, during a school-sponsored or district-sponsored activity or event and off district property when the conduct has a nexus to school or any district curricular or non-curricular event.

  1. Causing or attempting to cause damage to district property or stealing or attempting to steal district property. 

  2. Causing or attempting to cause damage to private property or stealing or attempting to steal private property. 

  3. Willful destruction or defacing of district property.

  4. Commission of any act which, if committed by an adult, would be robbery or assault as 12 defined by state law. 

  5. Committing extortion, coercion or blackmail, i.e., obtaining money or other objects of value from an unwilling person or forcing an individual to act through the use of force or threat of force. 

  6. Engaging in verbal abuse, i.e., name calling, ethnic or racial slurs either orally or in writing or derogatory statements addressed publicly to an individual or a group that precipitate disruption of the district or school program or incite violence. 

  7. Engaging in “hazing” activities.,i.e., forcing prolonged physical activity, forcing excessive consumption of any substance, forcing prolonged deprivation of sleep, food, or drink, or any other behavior which recklessly endangers the health or safety of an individual for purposes of initiation into any student group. 

  8. Violation of the Board’s policy on bullying prevention and education. 

  9. Violation of criminal law which has an effect on the district or on the general safety or welfare of students or staff. 

  10. Violation of any Board policy or regulations, or established school rules.

  11. Violation of the Board’s policy on weapons in the schools. Expulsion shall be mandatory for bringing or possessing a firearm, in accordance with federal law. 

  12. Violation of the Board’s policy on student conduct involving drugs and alcohol. 

  13. Violation of the Board’s violent and aggressive behavior policy. 

  14. Violation of the Board’s tobacco-free schools policy. 

  15. Violation of the Board’s policies prohibiting sexual or other harassment.

  16. Violation of the Board’s policy on nondiscrimination. 

  17. Violation of the Board’s dress code policy. 

  18. Violation of the Board’s policy on gangs and gang-like activity. 

  19. Throwing objects, unless part of a supervised school activity, that can or do cause bodily injury or damage to property. 

  20. Directing profanity, vulgar language or obscene gestures toward other students, school personnel or others. 

  21. Lying or giving false information, either verbally or in writing, to a district employee. 

  22. Engaging in scholastic dishonesty which includes but is not limited to cheating on a test, plagiarism or unauthorized collaboration with another person in preparing written work. 

  23. Making a false accusation of criminal activity against a district employee to law enforcement or to the district. 

  24. Behavior on or off school property that is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel., including behavior that creates a threat of physical harm to the student exhibiting the behavior or to one or more other students. 

  25. Repeated interference with the district’s ability to provide educational opportunities to other students. 

  26. Continued willful disobedience or open and persistent defiance of proper authority including deliberate refusal to obey a member of the district staff.