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In order to help ensure a safe, secure environment at our school all visitors should enter through the main doors at the front of the school.  All other doors will be locked from the outside during the regular school day.  We ask that all visitors check in at the office, bring your ID or driver's license.  You will be asked to sign in and wear a visitor badge.  The visitor badge will let everyone know that you have checked in.

Parents are welcome to come to school any day to visit their child and even eat lunch with us.  Please refrain from bringing infants and younger siblings when volunteering in the classroom as younger children often distract the attention of both the visitor and the class.  An adult must accompany student visitors.  Visits from out-of-town students, friends and relatives are discouraged.  Due to liability issues, non-Monfort students cannot accompany your student to school. 


Parent and community involvement is an important connection to a positive educational environment.  We invite our Monfort families to volunteer and we have a variety of opportunities for our parents to do this.  Please visit the office for an application and additional information on volunteering.  When our parents are involved, all of our school community will benefit.  A cooperative effort between school and home has a positive impact on your child’s academic growth.  To register online click the Get Involved symbol on the website and always feel free to contact the office for more information.

School Accountability Committee (SAC)

Our School Accountability Committee meets several times throughout the year in the school library.  We are always looking for parents and community members who would be willing to serve on this committee.