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Positive changes are coming to the recess structure at District 6 elementary schools, including Monfort. A Monfort school team has been put together to implement a positive recess program called Playworks. Recess is going to look different this year, so we wanted to provide you with some information about the change. Our goal is to teach the students not only academics, but social skills as well. In anticipation of this program, our blacktop has been painted to freshen the boundaries for basketball, four-square, and tether ball.  The kids are going to love it!

Why Playworks?

Playworks’ vision is that one day every child in America will get to play—every day. They are changing school culture by leveraging the power of safe, fun, and healthy play at school every day. Playworks creates a place for every kid on the playground to feel included, be active, and build valuable social and emotional skills. They offer an essential opportunity for children to explore their imaginations, to connect with other kids, and to stretch and grow physically, emotionally, and socially.

Playworks Core Values:



Healthy Play

Healthy Community

What will recess look like now?

Everyday there will be several choices of organized activities for your child to participate in. There will be core games, a game of the week, and the playground equipment. The core games will be consistent and familiar games, like basketball or wall ball. The game of the week will be a new game, led by a recess supervisor, that will change weekly. Before recess, students will be reminded by their teachers what the games for that day or week are going to be. The best part of this structure is that it is scheduled and gives the students choice. Implementing Playworks at Monfort will help to provide a safe and healthy recess environment.

We invite you to come join us for recess.

  • Come share some High Five’s and offer positive encouragement
  • Jump into a game of 4 Square, Switch or Basketball
  • Learn a NEW game of tag
  • Have FUN!!


In order to reach inclusion and build a healthy community, we ask that your child leaves their toys and sports equipment at home. Equipment for the games will be provided.

For more information, please visit

We are looking forward to a great recess this year and for years to come!